As LOH cover concerns damage repairs time payable under the policy, such surveys are “delicate” and may pause a challenge to an experienced Surveyor.
Our surveyors have been involved in numerous LOH surveys, of all casualty types, being fully aware of the required increased focus and detailed reporting on time aspects of the repairs, as well as of the interaction between LOH and H&M policies.
When instructed by LOH Underwriters, we concentrate on:
- Early on intervention with the Assured and attendance on board for better understanding of the situation and for providing guidance to achieve optimum solutions for mitigating time of repairs or delivery of spares.
- For large scale/quantum steel renewals or major machinery repairs (eg: M/E crankshaft renewal), drafting and issuing an as much as detailed specification of repairs – the basis of an accurate tendering process.
- Frequent attendance during the course of repairs, for establishing working schedule in place, close monitoring of repair progress by also maintaining a detailed daily “Date/Time” log on main repairs/events.
- Swift reaction when unforeseen delays arise for possible mitigation.
- Frequent detailed reporting on repair progress and time estimates (in days, hours, minutes), specifying separately removal or significant delay time, also specifying time saved as a result of working overtime.
- Differentiation between Owners and Average repairs, reporting periods required separately.